Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Relate-to-an-event Prompt

Author's note:
This is a relation to the event in which Huck treats Jim differently while under Tom's influence.
There is a saying, “monkey see, monkey do”  This is were one person copies what another person does. In the case of Huck and Tom, Huck follows Tom’s lead in the mistreatment of Jim.

When Huck and Jim were traveling alone without Tom, Huck treated Jim as an equal.  He considered him a friend, and  it was this friendship that led Huck to attempt to rescue Jim.  While planning the escape, Tom had many elaborate and unnecessary  task for Jim to complete such as taming rats and snakes, and watering a flower with his tears.  While Huck initially questioned the purpose of these tasks, Huck does not stop Tom from making Jim do them.

I have seen instances of people copying others in how they treat others, dress, or how they act.  People copy what others do in order to fit in with the crowd.  Sometimes they may do something they would not do if they were alone.  This form of peer pressure can cause people to go against their beliefs.  This is what happened with Huck.  He treated his friend, Jim, badly because of Tom’s influence.


  1. I think your essay was very good. The conclusion was good. I think it is deep sort of. Nice Job

    PS- I liked the title.

  2. I like the strong beginning and how you used "monkey see, monkey do". It made the beginning interesting and told you what the piece was about. In the middle it got a little confusing but it was still really good.

  3. Oh, sorry. Your intro was really creative, but your title should have been something that had to do with the piece.

  4. I really enjoyed the content of this response. It was obvious the way I couldn't help but just start talking about it in class. You are doing an excellent job of critical reading by finding these themes independently. Well done.
    I would say that you should do a better job of transitioning to the body. That sentence that floats out there is a little odd, and a weaker way of trying to transition than if you were to use one of the three techniques I taught you to use. You formatting is also a little messed up if you examine the alignment of the text. These things should be repaired when you get the chance.

  5. I liked the opening starting with "monkey see monkey do" it really helped start and I could really see that you connected it with your conclusion. The writing piece was short, but it got to the point.

  6. I liked how you started with "monkey see monkey do". You shouldn't have included the last sentence in the introduction, because it didn't make sense with the rest of teh introduction.

  7. I liked how in your intro you mentioned 'monkey see-monkey do' although your last sentence in it was an odd transition. It didn't really match what you wrote previously int the intro-which I liked. Still, good job, and I know what you mean about people doing things to fit in.
