Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Close Call on Christmas Eve

Author's Note: Having no snow this Christmas was on the odd side for us Wisconsinites, and this inspired this piece.  I believe this is a humorous piece.

It was the usual Christmas Eve for the people of Texas.  People milled about in high spirits eagerly awaiting the arrival of their beloved Santa Claus.  Children reluctantly went to bed, and dreamed of Christmas gifts they desired.  Little did they know it was going to be a white Christmas after all.

Little Johnny's dream consisted of various video games when, suddenly, he was woken up by a loud banging noise.  Thinking it was a gun shot (he plays too many video games), he instinctively dove behind his bed and rolled up into a ball.  After several minutes, he slowly rose to a crouched position.  Then suddenly, the same banging sound was heard again.  Now that he was out of his sleepy state, he realized that it was only the shudders.

After noting his stupidity, he slowly crept back into bed.  As his mind was slowly transitioning into his dream state, a third loud bang rung through his ears.  Little Johnny got up, stormed across the room to his window, and opened up the window.  The sight before him was one he couldn't believe.  Soft, white, flurry objects floated from the grey clouds above.  On the ground, smooth shiny mountains of white flowed as far as the eye could see.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Little Johnny yelled as he bolted down the hallway.  He quickly threw his parent's bedroom's door open.  Nobody.  "Mom? Dad?  Where are you?"

A slight rustling sound was heard coming from the living room.  Little Johnny continued to call out for his mom and dad as he sprinted down the stairs and into the living.  Once he entered, he was surprised to find both his mother and his father carefully placing presents around their Christmas tree.

"Mom!  Dad!  What are you doing?" I asked.  Both quickly spun around and held very surprised looks.

"Um just waiting for Santa," quickly replied his mother.

"Oh okay, well I have a question."


"What's that white stuff outside?"



"Yes, snow.  When it is really cold outside, it snows."


"Because that's nature, now go to bed or Santa won't come."

Before his mother could finish her sentence, Little Timmy was already on his way upstairs and into his bed, ready to dream about video games again.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this story and how you added dialogue (because most people don't).
